
What is the minimum stay in the villas?

Minimum stay in villas is 7 nights.

Is the booking calendar on ISTRIA.VILLAS website always updated?

Yes, the booking calendar on the ISTRIA.VILLAS official webpage is always updated. Villas in our offer can be booked anytime by anyone directly on the villa’s homepage. As soon as someone books a period, it is marked red, no longer available and automatically updated.

In the sent offer is stated that a deposit is required. What does this mean?

During the stay in the accommodation, for the safety of the damage occurred after the arrival in the house gives the deposit in cash of € 300. The amount is stated on the website of each holiday home. The landlord gives the customer the amount of the deposit on departure if no damage has occurred.

In the sent offer that you sent me is stated that a down payment is required. What does this mean?

In order to book a villa, a down payment of 30 % is required. Just click on the link from the offer. Once the booking procedure is completed and a down payment of 30 % is paid, you will receive an email with booking confirmation and all details regarding you booking.

How and when is the rest payment to be paid?

The rest payment (70% of the agreed accommodation price) has to be made no later than 30 days before arrival by bank transfer or with cash on arrival. If you have chosen bank transfer as payment method, the payment will also be due 30 days before your arrival, but you will receive an email a couple of days in advance, as a reminder with data for bank transfer. For last-minute bookings you will receive an additional email that the remaining payment (70%) is due immediately after the down payment (30%). Some of the owners also accept cash on arrival as payment method for the remaining payment.

How can I find the accommodation I booked?

After we receive your payment, we send a voucher to your e-mail address with all contact information about the owner. Most of our accommodation has GPS coordinates which will be written on the voucher. For additional instructions feel free to contact us or the service provider.

Über uns

ISTRIA.VILLAS ist eine spezialisierte Reiseagentur für die Vermietung von Ferienhäuser und Luxusvillen. Wir erfüllen die anspruchsvollsten Wünsche unserer Kunden. Unsere Geschäftsvision beruht auf dem Aufbau langfristiger Beziehungen und der Steigerung von Qualitäts- und Kommunikationsstandards, sowie der Informations- und Geschäftsstandards. Unser Auftrag ist ebenfalls, die Destination mittels sämtlichen Arten von digitalen Plattformen zu vermarkten.


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